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The school uniform policy has been created to ensure that pupils are smart, comfortable and appropriately dressed for all school activities. The polo shirts, sweatshirts, cardigans, PE (House) T-shirts and book bags with the Colby School logo can be bought from the school office.  


Friends of Colby School hold stocks of good quality pre-owned items which can be bought at regular uniform sales or by contacting the office. 



Green Colby sweatshirt/cardigan

Navy Colby fleece

Navy/black skirt or trousers

Navy/black tights

Navy/black/white socks

White polo shirt/blouse


Dark shoes (indoor & outdoor)


Please ensure that your child has appropriate footwear for the weather and for outdoor activities.

winter uniform.jpg

PE Uniform

House T-shirt

Navy/black shorts

Navy/black jogging bottoms

Colby sweatshirts and fleeces may be worn for PE.





All jewellery must be removed before PE as advised by Norfolk County Council.

PE uniform.jpg
summer uniform.jpg

Navy/black shorts

White polo shirt/blouse

Green and white gingham dress


Sandals or dark shoes (indoor & outdoor)


Please ensure that your child has appropriate footwear for the weather and for outdoor activities.

Summer Uniform

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